Italia Felix - Orchids of the Marche

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Last updated 31/05/2013


Very rare orchid. It was first recorded for Pietralacroce in the Province of Ancona in 1887 by Luigi Paolucci. The species was included three years later in his Flora Marchigiana. In both the article and the Flora Paolucci specifies that he found the plant only once.

Maria Cengia-Sambo reports big populations of this orchid near Urbino on the Cesane (Fosso delle Donne). Repeated looking for this species at this site has proved fruitless. The one plant still present in the herbarium of the University of Urbino (labelled: Herbarium Athenaei Urbinatis / Urbino - frequente nei dintorni / maggio 1922 / racc. Dssa M. Sambo) is, however, not O. tenthredinifera. The specimen is a well-preserved robust plant of 18,5 cm with five flowers. The petals are long and pointed, and the column is pointed. The labellum has an elaborate speculum, very prominent and pointed basal protuberances, and a small and narrow appendix. These characteristics point to O. holoserica. Cengia-Sambo very likely confused yellow-looking O. holoserica s.l., which are common in the area, with O. tenthredinifera.

Sandro Ballelli found the species only once in mountain pastures on M. Casale near Camerino in the 1980s.

Recently a single plant was found near Cantiano in the Province of Pesaro-Urbino in 2007 by Nazzareno Simoncelli. In 2008 the plant did not flower. However, Simoncelli found the plant flowering in both 2009 and 2010.

Three plants of O. tenthredinifera were found near Cingoli (MC) in 2009 by Sandro Ballelli, Sabrina Cesaretti, Franco Benigni and Metella Fabrizi.

Franco Paolinelli found yet another plant in the province Ancona on M. Murano on 15 May 2009. It flowered again in 2010.

Claudio Poli found a beautiful individual on Monti del Furlo on 8 May 2013 (







-BALLELLI, S., CESARETTI, S, BENIGNI, F., Fabrizi, M. (2009), "Ophrys tenthredinifera Willd., conferma della presenza nelle Marche", GIROS Notizie 42, 10-11.

-CENGIA-SAMBO, M. (1923), "Orchidaceae dell'Urbinate", Bull. Soc. Bot. Ital., pp. 34-49 (p.41).
-CENGIA-SAMBO, M. (1929), "Contributo alla Flora vascolare dell'Urbinate", in Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 35(4):425-506 (p445).

-CRESCENTINI, R. & J.M.I. KLAVER, Orchidee Spontanee della Provincia Pesaro e Urbino, con osservazioni sulle specie delle Marche, Pesaro, 1997 (p.268).

-PAOLUCCI, L. (1887), "Piante spontanee pił rare raccolte nelle Marche", Malpighia, 2:160-169, 317-325, 523-531 (p.167).
-PAOLUCCI, L. (1890-1), Flora Marchigiana, Pesaro (p.121).



M. del Furlo (PU), 8/5/2013

(photo: Claudio Poli)

Cantiano (PU), 1/5/2009

(photo: Nazzareno Simoncelli)


Cantiano (PU), 1/5/2009

(photo: Nazzareno Simoncelli)


M. Murano (AN), 2/6/2010

(photo: Franco Paolinelli)


Cantiano (PU), 1/5/2009

(photo: Nazzareno Simoncelli)

Cantiano (PU), 1/5/2009

(photo: Nazzareno Simoncelli)


Cingoli (MC), 9/5/2009

(photo: Franco Benigni)


M. Murano (AN), 9/5/2010

(photo: Franco Benigni)

Apricena (FG), 25/3/2008

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Apricena (FG), 26/3/2008

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)