Extremely rare; on grassy/shrubby
hillsides or dry mountain pastures (400-1000m); flowers end May to
beginning of June. A common species for the south-east of Italy, but
rare along the northern Adriatic.
The presence of Anacamptis (Orchis)
papilionacea in the Marche is interesting: there is an old indication for the
Emilia-Romagna which needs confirmation; it is also rare in Abruzzo.
It was found by Loris Bagli on M.
Osteriaccia (PU) in 1987. In 1989 I found the species in two locations between Piobbico and Urbania
(PU). Sandro Ballelli found it on M. Casale (MC), and A.J.B. Brilli-Cattarini on M. Pietralata (MC).
I also found a few
specimens on M. Cucco (PG) in 1993. Giovanni
Battista Piccinini found a specimen on the Marche-Abruzzo border near
Civitella del Tronto in 2008. In 2009 Franco Benigni and Metella
Fabrizi found it near Cingoli (MC). In 2010 Franco Paolinelli found the
species near Pianello di Genga (AN) and on M. Murano (AN). These are the first records of
the species for the Province Ancona.
Rumours reached me during the autumn
of 2009 that A. papilionacea had been spotted on the Cesane near Urbino
Careful searching of the indicated site delivered no results. However,
on 18 May 2010, I found a single plant on a
different part of the Cesane. It also flowered in 2011, but in 2012 no
trace of the plant could be found.
On 3 May 2012 I found again a single
plant of the species on Monte Martello (PU), an area where it had not
been recorded before.
Klara and Martin Huelsmann wrote to
about their find of A. papilionacea in the surroundings of Serra
Sant'Abbbondio, just outside the bounderies of the Marche. They found a
small population of approximtely 20 individuals in May 2012.

Le Orchidee Spontanee dell'Emilia-Romagna, Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
KLAVER, Orchidee Spontanee della Provincia Peasro e Urbino, con
osservazioni sulle specie delle Marche, Pesaro, 1997 (p.198).
(1990), Orchidee Spontanee d'Abruzzo, Regione Abruzzo (p148).
-KLAVER, J.M.I., "Distribution
of the Orchidaceae of the Province Pesaro-Urbino (Central-East Italy)",
AHO Baden-Württemberg 23 (4), 1991, pp.557-747 (p.602). |