Sparsely distributed in
the area; flowers from May to June in grassy places from 250 to 850m. Locally abundant near Fossombrone, sporadic in hillside meadows from M.
Nerone to Acquapartita, and M. Catria. A single plant was found flowering in my garden
in Urbino in 1995. In the past recorded by Federici/Serpieri (1868),
by Cengia-Sambo (1929), and by Brilli-Cattarini (1957). Luciano Poggiani
records it also for Fano near the river Metauro (1998).
I found a handsome group
flowering near the Passo del Furlo on 11 May 2010. Domenico
Rossi found a further 6 plants at the same site the following day.
On 25 May 2010 I found a
single plant in Urbino, just outside the city's walls. As it
grew in a rather conspicous place, I rightly feared for its
destiny: it was picked the followed day and I found the
discarded spike a few metres further. The spike had not yet
withered and I managed to take a picture of it (see below).
the group of plants near the Passo del Furlo is flowering
abundantly again ithis year. An interesting new find this year
is that of a plant growing on the industrial estate Bellocchi
near Fano (16 May 2013).

Metella (2009), "Una ricca popolazione di Serapias vomeracea (Burm.f.)
Briq. con presenza di Serapias parviflora Parl. alle Gola della
Rossa (Ancona, Marche, Italia Centrale)", GIROS Notizie 41, p.34.
(1957), "Rinvenimenti floristici marchigiani. Seconda serie.", in
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, pp. 117-41, Firenze (p.123).
-CENGIA-SAMBO, M. (1929),
"Contributo alla Flora vascolare dell'Urbinate", in Nuovo Giorn. Bot.
Ital., 35(4):425-506 (p.446).
KLAVER, Orchidee Spontanee della Provincia Peasro e Urbino, con
osservazioni sulle specie delle Marche, Pesaro, 1997 (p.244).
-KLAVER, J.M.I., "Distribution
of the Orchidaceae of the Province Pesaro-Urbino (Central-East Italy)",
AHO Baden-Württemberg 23 (4), 1991, pp.557-747 (p.618-619)
-POGGIANI, L., "Serapias
(updated 15.11.2009)
(1868), "Saggio di una flora dell'agro Urbinate ed epoca della fioritura
di molte piante. Centuria I, II, III, IV, V", in Bullettino
Metereologico di Urbino, fascicolo II, anno 1867, pp. 32-38, 48-56,
Urbino (p.38).