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Italia Felix - The Orchids of the Marche


Last updated 11/06/2013


Very rare plant. Although it was reported by various authors in the past (Brignoli, Serpieri & Federici, Paolucci, Cengia-Sambo) only two recent records exist for the Marche. A.J.B. Brilli-Cattarini found it near Sarnano (MC) in 1981, and my picture here is a specimen from a population on M. Petralla, just outside the Region's administrative boundary in the Tuscan Province of Arezzo. It flowers in May in (damp) grassy places.

Diego Marchetti reported a huge population of a small Serapias species in the surroundings of Mercatello sul Metauro (PU). I visited the site with Diego Marchetti, Mimmo Rossi and my daughter on 31 May 2010, and we found  that the plant in question was Serapias lingua. This is the first documented record of the species which falls well within the administrative boundaries of the Province of Pesaro-Urbino.

On 20 May 2012 Nazzareno Simoncelli found a population of approximately 30 plants in the surroundings of Cantiano (PU).

On 9 May 2013 Alessandro Allegrucci found an individual at Miralfiore, right in the centre of Pesaro. This spectacular find was documented in the newpaper Il  Resto del Carlino of 23 May 2013 (p.6).




-BRIGNOLI, G. (1813), "Elenco delle piante spontanee" in Alcuni Cenni Sulle Produzioni Naturali del Dipartimento del Metauro, Urbino (p.38).

-CENGIA-SAMBO, M. (1929), "Contributo alla Flora vascolare dell'Urbinate", in Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 35(4):425-506 (p.446).

 -CRESCENTINI, R. & J.M.I. KLAVER, Orchidee Spontanee della Provincia Peasro e Urbino, con osservazioni sulle specie delle Marche, Pesaro, 1997 (p.238).

-KLAVER, J.M.I., "Distribution of the Orchidaceae of the Province Pesaro-Urbino (Central-East Italy)", AHO Baden-Württemberg 23 (4), 1991, pp.557-747 (p.618)

-PAOLUCCI, L. (1890-1), Flora Marchigiana, Pesaro (p.113).

-SERPIERI, A. & A. FEDERICI (1868), "Saggio di una flora dell'agro Urbinate ed epoca della fioritura di molte piante. Centuria I, II, III, IV, V", in Bullettino Metereologico di Urbino, fascicolo II, anno 1867, pp. 32-38, 48-56, Urbino (p.38,p.55). 

Miralfiore, Pesaro (PU), 9/5/2013

(photo: Alessandro Allegrucci)


Mercatello sul Metauro (PU), 31/5/2010 (photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Mercatello sul Metauro (PU), 31/5/2010 (photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Mercatello sul Metauro (PU), 31/5/2010 (photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Mercatello sul Metauro (PU), 31/5/2010 (photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Mercatello sul Metauro (PU), 31/5/2010 (photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Mercatello sul Metauro (PU), 31/5/2010 (photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Mercatello sul Metauro (PU), 31/5/2010 (photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Cantiano (PU), 31/5/2010 (photo: Nazzareno Simoncelli)

M. Petralla (PU), 31/5/1992

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)